
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Information Letter

Information Letter

May 19 2020

Dear Alex,

I was in lock down for over 7 weeks. It was fun but it was also hard and
boring. But in it I managed to play with the dog sneak chocolate from my
grandma finished at 12.00 clock and having fun watching TV when i had time. 

When I mean playing with the dog a lot like jumping on its back, saying
happy birthday to her(February 14 age 3 and Think its on valentines day)
putting her on two feet, lying down with her, giving her scratches under her chin and letting her rest on me when she is actually tired but she hardly gets tired at all so I force her to do it. 

I like to spend the extra  3.05 hours doing some exercise like playing with the ball for like 1 hour and a half playing with the soccer ball. Doing 50 push ups which normally takes me like 5 minutes. I also play basketball for 2 hours. 

When I snuck for chocolate I mainly got in trouble by also sneaking to watch technology. 

I managed to finish all my work at 12.00 clock for the last 3 weeks because I wrote down what I had to do and for the other weak's I had no interest. So that's why I finished at 12.00 clock. 

I only got to watch T.V if I was a good boy most of the time I was but sometimes no because I only snuck for chocolate and because I snuck to watch T.V, but I didn't mind because my dad doesn't make good deals. 

What did I do on my birthday (it was in lock down Easter as well)
I played Sonic, went for a walk, had an Easter hunt because it was Easter, ate burgers for dinner and watched a movie with my family I watched the Walibihighs .

Here's a quiz     

Only Get 3 seconds to answer,don’t look back at the  answers.        

How long have I been in look down         7 weeks.

How long do I exercise             for 3.05 minutes?

When is the dog's birthday  February 14 valentine's day.

How did I get in trouble                                                                        Sneaking chocolate and watching technology when I’m not meant to.

How did I finish my homework early? By writing it down.

How did I do bad when I was doing homework because I had no interest.

When did I get to watch T.V  When I was a good boy.


  1. Hi Alex,
    That was a really cool letter. I cannot see all of the letter because it goes off the blog it would be great if you fixed. Thanks.


    1. Thanks for telling me I dide'ent even realize.

  2. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for changing it. The rest of it looks really cool.

  3. Hello Alex Gus is here I can see you, by the way. Anyway, I think this is really cool. And you didn't mention the dogs chomping shoes ( and feet, in my case wink, wink ),oh, and I saw the comment chat that you and Benjiman were doing and no, I didn't notice that it went off the page either. Bye, Oh and follow this advice next time you do something like this okay? Bye

  4. Thanks and can you stop winging about the dog biting your feet!!!!!!!!!!!!


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